
Here you will find information about my latest film projects.

Ana and Carlos question their relationship during the course of one night while someone insistently knocks on the door. 

Knock Knock is a story inspired by disappointment, in yourself and others. Ana and Carlos have been dreaming of their perfect life for so long  and now that they have it,  it’s not what they expected. and they hate it.

A short documentary film about the Cavani String Quartet and the Beyond Beethoven Cycle.

Selected in the Cinema Studies Senior Showcase 2022, Oberlin College.

The Cavani Quartet

Meet the Cavani String Quartet and their history and legacy of musical education through their project Beyond Beethoven.

“We believe this project fulfills Beethoven’s own wish for a better world and a way to reach, affect and ignite future generations through music.” -Cavani Quartet

Animated short film about dance and Lukáš Berry Bernáth’s relationship to dance.

Selected in the Cinema Studies Senior Showcase 2022, Oberlin College

Animated short film inspired by a haiku. 

Stop motion silhouette animation. Done in collaboration with Shaina Lin Chung and Clair Wang.

It's 7 am and hunger drives Bruna to a bar. Dirty, old, and cheap coffee. An old man sips from a steaming cup. The bartender scrubs the counter. Nothing strange happens in this bar. Or does it?

Accidents is a very unique auteur short film with an interesting and slightly satirical point of view of death. Dialogue is banal and superficial, as it is the subtext that carries all the tension. There is something bizarre about the characters’ dealing with death. There is something bizarre about the sudden connection between them.

Selected in the Indie For You Film Festival 2020, IV Certamen de Cortos LaBanda 2020, and Oberlin College Best Student Films of the Year 2019/20

This short film addresses how the work of nurses and physiotherapists helps patients overcome their barriers and accept themselves. Vemod narrates the process of acceptance and liberation of oneself and portrays how the role of care professionals is key. This story is not only expressed through cinema but also through dance because we believe that communication through bodily expression is the most powerful tool to convey our message.

Nominated for best film in the Hygeia Film Festival 2021.

16mm film Kodak TRI X 160 on Bolex Cinema Camera.

Experimental film shot in the Bolex Cinem Camera that explores the relationship between the "micro" and the "macro", and the circularity and entanglement of life.

Shot in collaboration with Peter Stern and Shaina Lin Chung, and composition by Jake Berran.

Selected in the Cinema Studies Senior Showcase 2022, Oberlin College

Music video for artist and musician VeN.

Bring a filmmaker and a dancer together and this will happen. Experimenting with lights, movement, and color, to the rhythm of Human by Sevdaliza.

Blind Man's Bluff

Short horror scene about a first date and an odd proposal to play a kid's game.

Three short films created for Video Production Workshop at Oberlin College that compose a narrative about Alba's life during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each film speaks about
each component of her life has been impacted differently. They have been developed using a diverse filmmaking techinques: found footage, stop motion, composition…

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